Do Something. Fast. // Jason Souza

Once a month, I’ll be writing you a blog post about one of the various spiritual disciplines referenced in the Bible, explaining its importance and relevance, and giving a suggestion or two on how to practice it.


This month, let’s take a look at fasting. 

There are a variety of  reasons to make fasting a regular practice. It has numerous health benefits, and it's a powerful tool in seeking God's guidance. But it can also be a "bondage breaker". 

While fasting is often understood in terms of food, it has the power to free us from so many other things that have the potential to enslave.


What is it in your life that bears more importance that it should?

What is it you find yourself running to - instead of God - when you are angry, frustrated, tired, afraid, or confused?

From Richard Foster's Celebration of Discipline...

"More than any other Discipline, fasting reveals the things that control us. This is a wonderful benefit to the true disciple who longs to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. We cover up what is inside us with food and other good things, but in fasting these things surface." (pg. 55)


"Fasting can bring breakthroughs in the spiritual realm that will  never happen in any other way. It is a means of God's grace and blessing that should not be neglected any longer." (pg. 60)

Where to start? Ask God. Seriously. Ask Him to show you what it is in your life that bears more importance than it deserves. What is it that receives more of your attention than it should?

  • Your phone?

  • Social media?

  • Food?

  • Adult diversions?

If you ask, He will tell. But then you are on the hook to do something with what He reveals.

Think about it.
Pastor Jason