God Never Said That // Jason Souza

Our culture is full of ideas of what the Bible says about God and our life with him. Watch television for a couple of hours in any given week and you're bound to come across a handful of similar sayings. The thing about phrases like these is that they sound so true, and, in many cases, so appealing.

The problem is they are wrong. And not just, "Oh, well, you get the general idea," kind of wrong. They are completely, insidiously, diametrically opposed to the heart and character of God.



There are two HUGE weekends in the life of a church like ours. I’m sure you know it already but, Christmas and Easter offer the chance to invite people who might not come to church with you any other weekend of the year, as well as being weekends where people often sense the need to join a local church for the celebration, and simply look online, or around the neighborhood for a place to go.